Azalea Alba Magnifica


An oldworld favourite, Azales make beautiful flowering hedges and pot specimens!

Flowering in Spring, these lovely evergreens have some of the showiest blooms, ranging from pre white to hot, magenta pink!

They like rich soil and protection from the hottest sun, so great for East and south facing positions. They grow well as a second layer to a Camellia hedge.

10 in stock

Product Attributes

Mature Height 1m
Mature Width 1m
Common Name Azaleas
Botanical Name Azalea indica
Foliage Evergreen
Pot size 20-30cm
Growth Rate Moderate
Suitable for Pots Yes
Suitable for Garden Beds Yes
Produces Flowers Yes
Flower Colour White
Deciduous No
Australian Native No

Dry Tolerant No
Sun Tolerant Yes
Shade Tolerant Yes
Pots/Containers Yes
Suitable for Coastal Areas N/A
Bird Attracting N/A