Top Ten List of Best Indoor Plants For Clean Air

By November 20, 2020 Media No Comments
best indoor plants

Indoor Plants are capable of Cleaning Air?

Keeping plants in your home or business is a great way to purify the air and remove unfavourable toxins and gasses from the indoors. During the day when there is sunlight about, plants absorb carbon dioxide and expel oxygen which is the gas that humans inhale to breathe. This natural filtration and air conversion process helps to keep air inside a property clean with fewer impurities. It is important to buy indoor plants so that your internal environment has natural features to promote a healthy and stable ecosystem.

In this blog, we share with you the top ten list of best indoor plants for clean air. At The Tree Shop, you can buy the best indoor plants online. Our plants are all available at our online nursery and you can either pick up your plants instore or have your order delivered to your location. For other great tips on indoor plants, you may want to ask us questions through one of our garden consultation services.

Best Indoor Plants

Monstera deliciosa or “Swiss cheese plant”

Known for resembling the pattern of swiss cheese, this famous indoor plant is in high demand due to lockdown restrictions around the world. This plant looks great among wooden furniture and the distinctively large lush green leaves providing a striking contrast in the home with natural beauty at its core. The Monstera plant prefers a warm climate away from direct sunlight to thrive and they benefit from regular cleaning with a soft damp cloth so that their leaves stay healthy. Soil should be kept moist and they enjoy being feed during the Spring and Summer seasons.

Epipremnum aureum or Devil’s Ivy

Another favourite in households is Devil’s Ivy. Without much maintenance, this plant will grow rapidly in a pot and provide amazing colour and beauty throughout the year. The plant develops as a vine and the two tone green and cream heart shaped leaves are an iconic favourite in Melbourne. The plant is highly drought tolerant and does not require much fertiliser to stay healthy. You can easily propagate this plant in Spring and Summer by placing in a pot so that the roots can develop.

Dracaena Massangeana or Mass Cane

A very common addition to business and office settings, Mass Cane is definitely a go to plant for those who want to add a natural element to their indoor space. The plant is extremely easy to grow and maintain and requires very little effort to achieve the best results. The plant usually grows to approximately 1.2-1.8 metres and is best placed in a location where there is indirect sunlight or low light (e.g. corner of the room away from windows). One point to note is that the plant is toxic to pets including dogs and cats.

Spathiphyllum or Peace lily

You might see this plant at your local café! Peace Lily is a household and business favourite given its dark green leaves and stunning white flowers offer the best contrasting image indoors. They usually grow to about 45-65 centimetres tall and thrive in bright and indirect light. Requiring very little water during the year, the plant does not like soggy or wet soil, and they are prone to root rot if maintained incorrectly. The plant is highly poisonous so should not be ingested by children and pets. It is advisable to keep off the ground.


Another common house plant is Bromeliad. The plant prefers shallow pots so that the water drains fast and does not clog up in the soil. If potted correctly, these plants are easy to maintain and provide a stunning feature forming into a rosette pattern with red at the centre and then contrasting green at the tips of each leaf. It is ideal to plant one Bromeliad in each pot and not to over water the plant. Since you will use a shallow pot that will drain water quickly, it is advisable to replace stagnant water frequently to avoid damaging the plant.

Sansevieria or Mother-in-law’s Tongue

Known as the Snake Plant, this floral variety originates from South Africa and Asia is another low maintenance option that looks amazing in terracotta pots. Its name is linked to the pointy shaped leaves that resemble a tongue but also a snake too! This plant will thrive without any care and is extremely hardy as a succulent plant. It can be placed in direct sunlight for several hours of the day, however should be moved if the sun’s rays are harsh. It is important not to over water as the plant prefers to stay dry.

Zanzibar Gem

A very hardy and drought resistant plant, this native to Africa is a true speciality and its green glossy leaves are iconic. The plant is drought tolerant and especially suitable for those who forget to water their plants! Without too much effort, the plant will maintain its shape and lush green colour if placed in a shaded area with a bit of sunlight. You only need to water the plant once a month and use a slow-release fertiliser occasionally. Ensure the pot is large enough because the rots do develop quite fast.

Anthurium Andraeanum

This popular indoor plant is definitely a highlight with many households having the plastic variety instead of the real thing! Originating from Columbia, the plant has an iconic red floor around a cylindrical spike of a yellow and white blend which is poised atop a large green stem. The plant can grow up to 50 cm tall and it prefers the soil to be kept evenly moist. A highly phosphorus liquid fertiliser is recommended and should be applied very 2 weeks during the Spring and Summer. Regular watering is advised.

Ginkgo biloba

The feathery light green leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba make for a pleasant centre piece or corner piece indoors. The plant prefers to be in a pot on a table and in a warm location with a bit of sunlight. Too much exposure to light will cause the leaves to burn. Without too much effort, the plant will grow nicely with regular watering. For those who want the leaves to create a visual spectacle, use hanging pots. This plants like humid environments too.

Ficus Elastica or Rubber Plant

This trendy little plant is ideal for those who want natural flora indoors but are time poor when it comes to plant maintenance. The pant is hardy and temperature resilient and prefers to be situated away from direct sunlight and watered on a weekly basis. During winter, the plant can survive on a fortnightly or even a monthly watering schedule. With shiny dark green and burgundy leaves, the plant complements white walls and bright colours with a natural vignette of beauty.

FAQs – Best Indoor Plants

What plants make your house smell good?

There are many indoor plants that emit a pleasant fragrance. Varieties include Roses, Corsican Mint, ‘Angel’s Blushing Beauty’ Angel’s Trumpet, ‘Bandera Purple’ Spanish Lavender and ‘Crown Jewel’ Gardenia.

Are plants better than air purifiers?

Some plants are known to purify the air better than others. Devil’s Ivy is well known for removing common household toxins from the indoor environment. Peace Lily is also a highly regarded plant for removing carbon monoxide.

Is it bad to have plants inside the house?

No. Each person will have their own preferences. You can have as many plants inside the home as you like provided you maintain them regularly so that they achieve the purposes you desire.

Do house plants reduce dust?

While it is not scientifically proven, plants do attract dust on their leaves. Approximately 1/5 of the dust in your home can be absorbed by plants. The plants should be regularly watered and cleaned to wash away the dust.

Is it okay to have plants inside bedroom?

Having plants inside a bedroom is based on personal preference. Since plants consume oxygen at night due to respiration, many avoid keeping plants in their bedroom as it can affect breathing ability.

Do indoor plants release oxygen at night?

At night, there is no sun about for the plant to undergo photosynthesis. Therefore, instead of releasing oxygen into the environment the plant will consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

Do indoor house plants attract bugs?

Plants attract bugs whether they are located inside the home or outside the home because they are natural organisms. Plants can be easily maintained to ensure that nasty bugs are not found around, on or in the plants.

Can I keep a plant inside house to repel insects?

Certain plants repel pests naturally. For example, Lavender will repel fleas, moths, mosquitoes and many other insects. Other examples of similar plants include Basil, Chrysanthemums, Nasturtiums, Lemongrass, Marigolds and Mint.